วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554


***เทคนิค : ปรับความสูงของเซล ใน mshflexgrid อัตโนมัติ เพื่อให้แสดงข้อความในเซลได้หมด
***เป็น โค๊ดในส่วนหนึ่งของโปรแกรม FindEndPromise

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long

Public Sub AutoRowHeight()
Dim ColLoop As Long
         Dim RowLoop As Long

         'Turn off redrawing to avoid flickering
         MSHFlexGrid1.Redraw = False
   With Me.MSHFlexGrid1
       .RowHeight(1) = Me.TextHeight("d") * 1
       .RowHeight(2) = Me.TextHeight("d") * 1
       .RowHeight(3) = Me.TextHeight("d") * 1
       .RowHeight(4) = Me.TextHeight("d") * 1
       .RowHeight(5) = Me.TextHeight("d") * 1

   End With
            'MSHFlexGrid1.ColWidth(ColLoop) = 2500
           'ColLoop = 4
            For RowLoop = 1 To MSHFlexGrid1.Rows - 1
                       For ColLoop = 2 To 5
                            ReSizeCellHeight RowLoop, ColLoop
                       Next ColLoop
          Next RowLoop

         'Turn redrawing back on
         MSHFlexGrid1.Redraw = True
      End Sub

      Public Sub ReSizeCellHeight(MyRow As Long, MyCol As Long)
         Dim LinesOfText As Long
         Dim HeightOfLine As Long

         'Set MSFlexGrid to appropriate Cell
         MSHFlexGrid1.Row = MyRow
         MSHFlexGrid1.Col = MyCol

         'Set textbox width to match current width of selected cell
         Text1.Width = MSHFlexGrid1.ColWidth(MyCol)

         'Set font info of textbox to match FlexGrid control
         Text1.Font.Name = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Name
         Text1.Font.Size = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Size
         Text1.Font.Bold = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Bold
         Text1.Font.Italic = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Italic
         Text1.Font.Strikethrough = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Strikethrough
         Text1.Font.Underline = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Underline

         'Set font info of form to match FlexGrid control
         Me.Font.Name = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Name
         Me.Font.Size = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Size
         Me.Font.Bold = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Bold
         Me.Font.Italic = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Italic
         Me.Font.Strikethrough = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Strikethrough
         Me.Font.Underline = MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Underline

         'Put the text from the selected cell into the textbox
         Text1.Text = Trim(MSHFlexGrid1.Text)

         'Get the height of the text in the textbox
         HeightOfLine = Me.TextHeight(Text1.Text)

         'Call API to determine how many lines of text are in text box
         LinesOfText = SendMessage(Text1.hwnd, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0&, 0&)

         'Check to see if row is not tall enough
        If MSHFlexGrid1.RowHeight(MyRow) < (LinesOfText * HeightOfLine) Then
            'Adjust the RowHeight based on the number of lines in textbox
            MSHFlexGrid1.RowHeight(MyRow) = LinesOfText * HeightOfLine
       End If
End Sub

