If you are new to coding hacks you will obviously need a little help and encouragement to begin, here is some help and resources which will help you on your way! 

Stage 1 (day 1-15 )
Well you know nothing. Most people start with a programming language called C++ (pronounced 'C plus plus'). It is a very powerful language and there is alot of support for the language. You should spend the first stage not learning how to code hacks, but how to simply write C++ programs.

Get hold of a good book. I recommend 'SAMS Teach yourself C++ in 21 days'. Another tool which you will need is a compiler.

Recommended Compilers:
MS Visual C++ 6
Dev-CPP 5 (FREE)

Spend the first 14 days reading through the book. It is important that you understand the first week off by heart or you will not be able to code your own hacks.

Useful Links

Stage 2 (day 15-20)
Now you have some understanding of C++ you have two choices. You can continue to read on or you can start learning some OpenGL. OpenGL hooking is controlling how your code controls the game - your code is called rather than the game's code.

Again, you shouldn't be learning to code hacks unless you feel comfortable. Head off to NeHe's sitewhich offers some great OpenGL tutorials. Again you do not need to read many tutoritals here, I recommend up to lesson 10.

Useful Links

Stage 3 (day 20-30 )
Feel like youre getting somewhere?  If you havent already due to the feeling of experimentation and exploration, take a look at other people's source code. Looking at the source codes is a good way to see how everything is structured.

You should be learning how to create hacks for games now. I have found that learning to hack counter-strike is a great starting point. I dont like counter-strike myself and I am a quake man, but most tutorials are based around counter-strike and there is a big community for counter-strike hacking so there is alot more support. So once you know the basics with counter-strike hacking you can move on to the game of your choice because chances are they will be similar.

Get hold of an OpenGL wrapper. Although most OpenGL wrappers are VAC detected, it doesnt harm to use and experiment with these offline on a LAN game. More about OpenGL wrappers...

Useful Links:
And the MPC coding forums!

Stage 4 (day 30+)
You should now have a very good understanding of how hacks work. Now its up to you what you decide to do.

Perhaps you wish to start coding for the game of your choice. Dont forget the MPC forums are a valuable resource for any coder.

If you want to go another step in the learning process then learning about ASM is a good choice.

If all this has scared you then maybe you should revise the languages a bit more or go back and read the bits you left out.

If the cheating scene doesnt interest you any more and you just want to code then do just that.

Either roads offer fun and exciting new things. 

Winamp Control: http://www.winamp.com/nsdn/winamp2x/dev/sdk/api.jhtml
ASM: http://web1.server126.notraffic.de/f...threadid=17424

Taking notes of important topics is a great way to learn something. Try to make it precise but brief and it will surely help you because you are not just reading but you are involving your brain 

KaZaa is a great tool. However, warez is not promoted and nor should it be discussed within the MPC forums, doing so will lead to a ban.

Dont feel stupid to post any questions you have on forums. Its a great, easy and fast way to solve any problems you have, and dont worry about getting flamed, the people that do flame are complete n00b wannab h4x0rs 

Well that was fun  By the way, the estimated time in days was just an estimate so please will the more elite coders not flame me but feel free to add anything 

Please leave credits if this is going to appear anywhere else.

// sauce